Living Well: Working Well


Clubhouse is an innovative, member led community based model for people with mental health difficulties.

The Clubhouse offers life-long membership and support to members in leading a socially and economically productive life in the community. Clubhouse activities are focused around the  Clubhouses' work units and social programmes, governed by the Clubhouse standards.

You can learn more about the Clubhouse by viewing the video below: 

Cairdeas Clubhouse EVE Conaí Clubhouse EVE Phoenix Clubhouse EVE Platinum Clubhouse EVE Rainbow Clubhouse EVE Saol Clubhouse EVE Suaimhneas Clubhouse EVE
HUB Programme Vocational Training Clubhouses Mental Health Recovery Slánú Quality Assurance Department
(087) 8258674 (Apply for Services / Client Referrals) (01) 415 6821 (General enquiries)
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