Living Well: Working Well

EVE Thomas Court

“Thomas Court Hub: Connecting from the Heart of Dublin’s Liberties, to the Minds of Our Community”


About Thomas Court

Thomas Court Hub is a centre which offers community-based Recovery services within the EVE network. A large facility; situated in the centre of one of Dublin’s oldest developments, The Liberties, Thomas Court has provided a service to individuals with mental health difficulties for 30 years. The service is responsible for the linking up of participants to activities which they will identify: educational/training opportunities, sporting pursuits, voluntary work, work experience/placements and leisure activities. Our strong team of key workers are responsible for giving support to people to engage with these services, and to advocate with and for them with service providers, if required.


Our Programme

Our prospectus has been developed based on goals determined by our participants, through the facilitation of their Person Centred Plan meetings hosted across 3 semesters. The overall aim of person centred planning is “good planning leading to positive changes in people’s lives and services” (Ritchie et al, 2003).

The Thomas Court Hub programme supports people who experience mental health difficulties to live their lives based on their own personal goals. Our service offers a range of supports to enable each person to live a healthier, fulfilling and independent life. We support each person to get more involved in their community and develop their natural supports. This is achieved through a combination of centre based and community based modules and activities.


Mission Statement

“Thomas Court is committed to providing the services and the skills necessary to enable our participants to live a life of their choosing and to help each person reach their full potential”


Vision Statement

“Programmes shall be developed in consultation with participants which will meet the identified health, social and vocational /community related needs of the people attending our service, and will focus on improving their quality of life through appropriate programmes and community integration”


How to apply

The programme is open to individuals who experience mental health difficulties and are 18 years and over.  The application form must be completed by you and your medical team/GP and returned to the Centre Manager at the address below. An informal interview will be arranged to see if  the service if for you. You may be offered a sampling period. Please note that there may be a waiting list.


Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday: 9.00am - 4.00pm
Friday: 9.00am - 3.00pm



Thomas Court HUB

26 Hanbury Lane

Dublin 8

D08 H9Y2


Contact Details

Phone: 01 4531722 / 01 454 2072

Mobile: 0871005172

Fax: 01 4536129 




(087) 8258674 (Apply for Services / Client Referrals) (01) 415 6821 (General enquiries)
© 2025 HSE/EVE