Living Well: Working Well

Launch of HI Action Plan & Showcase of HI projects by EVE services

Launch of HI Action Plan & Showcase of HI projects by EVE services  

The Healthy Ireland Framework was originally drafted in response to a demand for a service response to support people optimise all aspects of their health and wellbeing.  The EVE HI Action Plan offers both a road map and a practical guide to services who are keen to support people both live and work well, addressing some of the lifestyle behaviours that could impede their progress. In launching the HI Action Plan, David Wood, member of Cairdeas Clubhouse and the Working Group said

"We hope that the EVE Healthy Ireland Plan will help us to bring a wellbeing approach, act as a guide for all of our services to follow and reach our potential as wellness focused, recovery-oriented services”.

In 2018, EVE services committed to prioritise work in this area and have recently concluded the first phase of implementing the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) programme which is designed to enhance staff skills in encouraging people make healthier lifestyle choices during their routine interactions. The results of the pilot were presented by Jennifer Hussey who evaluated the impact of the training on the ability of staff to integrate MECC into routine practice.

"Staff reported a greater realisation of the potential they have to promote health behaviour change, the importance and need for lifestyle interventions and the value of creating opportunities to discuss these issues. MECC has had a positive impact on our organisation and will continue to be a valuable resource in supporting the health and wellbeing of EVE with people who use EVE services”.

Work to date by EVE services promoting positive health behaviours were on display with twenty centres showcasing initiatives that included healthy eating programmes, active at work initiatives, positive ageing, sexual health, mental health and wellbeing etc. There were plenty of opportunities for people to sample healthy fare, engage in mindful eating, take part in some floor games and try their hand at some line dancing.  The HSE Ambulance Service Pipe Band provided rousing entertainment and reminded us all of the power of music to nurture the soul.

The commitments contained in the EVE HI Action Plan will hopefully translate into very real actions across our services that will support people who use our services thrive and have confidence that they can enjoy improved health and wellbeing and ultimately healthier lives.

The EVE Healthy Ireland Action Plan 2019-2023, Living Well, Working Well is available here  or by clicking onthe image below. 

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